Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dumbass Motherfark

Let's start off gay.

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Well, that amused me.

I got into a hissy fight with one of my lecturers today.

Quite unbelievable, I know right. Coming from such a tolerant and understanding individual, I actually blew up at that person.

Let's all name that person: FeliciaAbegailJane. (there's a nice ring to it but please don't name your children that)

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It is to protect her fragile identity, and also to keep me out of trouble if someone from my school discovers this blog and blahdiblahblah come find me, tell me close the blog, call my parents and all the rubbishy nonsense.

Ah yah, its really stupid lah. The whole class is not really fond of FeleciaAbegailJane to begin with, and here she comes round this afternoon, yielding her stupid metal pointer, using it to touch/hit any random object or human being she can reach.

I seriously hate people who use any long long stick, be it a metal stick, plastic stick, drum stick, to prob and poke people around. Do you know its very rude? Imagine where the stick had contact with before FeleciaAbegailJane use it on us. Maybe FeleciaAbegailJane use it to help her reach certain places that is difficult, for instance a ball under a bed, a sheet of paper behind a bookshelf or maybe a certain persistent itch right up a certain area which I certainly won't go into.

Being a responsible woman indeed, FeleciaAbegailJane came hounding at me for the tutorial I haven't done. Which the whole class didn't do. Jabbing me accusingly with her stupid stick, she said "Why are you so slow?"

And I got pissed and said "Can you don't touch me with that?"

Then later that day, here I was, happily discussing with a friend on a particular question. We were faced with a problem and being humble students who admire FeleciaAbegailJane so greatly, we asked her. And our mistake was there was a calculation error.

She then continued, after spotting the mistake "Where are your calculators??"

My friend pulled hers while I just gave her a blank stare, and then pointed at my handphone.

FeleciaAbegailJane not only pinned me down her pair of Asian eyes, but also pointed at me accusingly with her bloody metal stick "You copy blindly right? Why don't have your calculator?..." She went on like a machine gun but I just turned a deaf ear because I shot back by saying

"Oh God man. Whatever ok whatever. Please go away. Please please go away"

Then she was mad. And half-shouted at me because I was sitting in the front row.

"Elliot. Don't you dare gimme attitude. If you would have brought your calculator, this wouldn't had happen etc..."

Me, being so respectful, immediately exclaimed "Oh sorry Miss FeleciaAbegailJane. I'm so sorry." And at the same time contemplating on whether I should add in a "Can you forgive me?" But decided not to.

Sighs, if you know me from Secondary, that is how I roll with stupid teachers. Be sarcastic and superficial. It works really well.

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