Monday, January 11, 2010


If I didn't blog today, I wouldn't have blogged for this week, breaking one of my resolutions for 2010.

You know, I thought to myself, 'No biggie man, I just have to blog twice next week for not blogging last week and there, all back to normal.' . Well, if I'm gonna find loop holes in all my resolutions then no point painstakingly write down a whole list alrighty.

It is just not that I don't wanta blog, I'm just lazy lah. That is the number one/only reason that is all to it. So lame.

Moving on, just to ensure that my blogging juices is always flowing I would like to introduce a new segment to my entries. It's called:

Learn a New Word
(if you think my title is dull, why don't you try inventing one on the spot of 3 secs bitch)

- soft & limp. Not hard not strong. Like tofu.
Sentence: The sight of you makes every willy become flaccid.

Use Flaccid today.

Wah lao
, am I that desperate for content. Shit.

And I shall end here. I'm tired and I think one of hamster is preggos.

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