Tuesday, July 06, 2010

It has been Long

Can someone please enlighten me?

We all know its against the rules to eat and drink on the train and train stations. But is water also considered? Like plain simple pure untainted water?

Because I was told off today by one of the idiot SMRT staff which pretty much pissed me off. I was on and escalator going up while that dude was coming down. So suay, I whipped out my giant sized ice mountain bottle (actually it wasn't mine...just that I accidentally touched the mouth piece so it was given to me....see, everyone hates me ):), took a quick sip and the dude was like

"Oi, boy. No drinking here!"

"It's water," I exclaimed with disbelief.

"Still cannot!"

Actually, it was quite funny because it all took place while both of us were at a constant motion. Something like this:


Thankfully, it wasn't big of a deal like I kena summon or what like quite stupid if I kena. But seriously, drink water on train cannot meh??






I really hate this kind of ridiculous rules. Only know how to make life so difficult to live in.

2 spoke:

Anonymous said...

U're awesome! I did that all the time anyweyz cant be bothered with them babycakes!


Elliot said...

totally bebecakes!