Saturday, May 22, 2010

Burn, Baby, Burn

Guess what.

My Fugistu lappy crashed. Actually I'm not really sure whether it crashed or what but I just couldn't log into my main account. It is quite funny because a bunch of us all got the same brand of laptops from the school's laptop exhibition and one by one each laptop started to fall apart like dandruff.

I'm currently using my mum's lenovo lappy. The shitty one that I raved 2 years ago on my pevious entries, you know the time during my Os. HAHAHAHAHA!! SO LAME AND CHILDISH PLS DONT GO BACK AND FIND THANKIES!!

I know I have been slow with the entries because frankly, I just really lazy to write and do fancy photoshopped pic (i'm stilll getting the hang of ps k). So while you spend your time surfing better sites, do rmb that whatever you're looking at now will be here as long as Im alive (or not) so come back once in a while okz.

till then my homies

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