Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm a Bore to You

On one rainy night, I was up on my laptop answering questions for, let's say, a survey. So everything went smoothly, name - Elliot, gender - Male, married - no, single - yes, lonely - hell ye...nope....Till I reached the 4th question:


I paused for a moment and thought to myself:

God, yeah. I totally have loads of hobbies and interest yo. Okay...I'm gonna write here reading.......uh-huh...and then what's next..oh oh watching tv slash cable...mediacorp programs is the fail....mmmm what else...think I'll just write going out with,

I took a second to stare at my screen and re-read what I wrote.


And it hit me. I'm a boring person. My hobbies/interests have been like the same boring shit since forever. I don't do something which makes people go "woah, that's interesting", something like photography. I mean photography is one of the easiest skills to pick up (easy to pick up, not master mind you) but I don't do photography. I can't even write "oh, my hobby is exercising like playing sports". Shit, I hate to exercise. Jogging once a week is not a hobby. And I bet hula-hooping is not a sport.

I have half my mind to lie and write something like


Oh shiatz, just look at the next question:


Here's my epic answer


0 spoke: