Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is It Still Too Early?

I know it only has been a month, but I feel that I can move on. My friends were surprised at my move. They were even shocked that I too such a short time to recover. Oh god, I kinda feel guilty. Should I have waited a little longer? Am I really that bad just because I continue with life after just a short span of 1 month?

Well, no matter the end, I moved on in life. I put the past in the past. Shove whatever has happened right at the back of my mind. No more tears to wipe. No more pain to bear. Call me insensitive. Call me heartless. I don't care. I'm picking up the pieces and putting them in my pocket. I don't need you judging me. You don't know me.

I will prove it to you right here right now, in this miserable blog how strong I am. Strong enough to post what I have done that to prove my point how strong am I.

In several seconds, you gonna know what is going on. And yes, I'm sure I'll hear your judgements. Your criticisms. Your stupid opinions and your unnecessary comments. Bring it, bitches. I'm ready. I'm strong. I'm Hercules. You can't top that.




Guchucma passed on not too long ago. I'm still sad. I'm still upset. But everyone has to move on. This is me moving on. With, rebound hamsters.

0 spoke: