Saturday, December 12, 2009

2009's Resolutions

Oh god, this totally blows man. Just think. Just before the stroke of midnight on the 31st Dec 2009, you and your dear ones will be huddled together getting ready to usher in the new yer of 2010.

Believe me, I'm trying so hard not to blink. Because before I know it, we all will be gathered at the same place we were on 2009 to welcome 2011.

I still can recall on 1st Jan, I was so excited and ecstatic about 2009. So many hopes and dreams I planned out so ever ready to accomplish. New school, new friends, turning 18...

But truthfully, it was rather mediocre. This totally suck ballz man...

Speaking of the new year, lets go back to my archives to re-post my 2009's resolutions.


1. Eat less healthy food.

2. Eat more healthy food.

Oh, did I write that? What a stupid resolution. How am I suppose to keep track on what I food I ate for the past 365 days? Maybe I wrote it just to make my list longer.

3. Bring Fudge for a long walk at least once a week.

Twice or even Thrice ok! I surpassed my own expectations!

4. Exercise.

That depends. I was on and off throughout the year. But I know for sure I don't look as obese as last year.

5. Get a new camera.

Ah yah....this is more of a want list lah. But I really satisfied with my Sony Camera ever since I totally lost interest in Photography since every living being is like picking it up as a hobby. I don't wanna go with the flow man.

6. Continue to be a loyal reader of 8 days!


7. Keep in contact with my Secondary fwens.

Oh god, just look at the way how I spell 'friends'. Yeah, we're ever so contactable.

8. Continue piano lessons!

Another one I proudly say I achieved.

9. Oh, and maybe guitar...if there's still a spark.

Got Spark? Yes. But only for like 2 weeks. Then I got bored and also realize people who play the guitar think so full of themselves. (most of them not all) Like am I suppose to be impress just because you know how to strum a guitar? Well I know how to tinkle the keys of a piano. Beat that bitch.

10. Join a sports cca in poly so that I'm will still achieve no.4 resolution.

HAHAHAHAHHAHA!! This is like the ultimate joke of the jokes man! NO I DIDN'T ACHIEVE THAT! But I went for the kayaking orientation, doesn't that count something?

11. Continue to blog (:

Not consistent but yes, I still blog =D

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