Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Looming clouds

Now how should I start this entry...arrghh....ok, so here it goes.

Something really unfortunate happened very recently. Like this morning recently. But I shall start with something that happened 2 weeks ago.

I suffered an infected eye. HAHAHA, why can't I just say 'My eye tio swollen'...


I think I have really chio eyelashes

I had it like a week. The experience was horrible. Evey time my right eye blinked, I would feel a shot of sharp pain around the eye area...The size differences of the left and right eye was so stark .... It ballooned so big that finally, after many times of trying so hard to be ugly, I did exceptionally well for that whole week. Boohoohoo....

And guess what? You know who else shared the same disease(I like to exaggerated my illness) as me. My adorable hamster Guchucma. Oh, if you didn't know, I changed her name from Gucci to Guchucma. It's a merger of 'Gucci' 'Chuckles' and 'Jamma' into one word.

Ok, so she had it and I'm gonna post a photo of her eye. It's extremely gross so viewer discretion is advised. Not suitable if you have a weak heart or a weak stomach.


You sure you wanta see? Very er sing you know...
Confirm ah! Don't say I didn't warn you!


Haha.......disgusting ornot....The eye looks like its bulging out right? If you were to use your finger to poke the eye, it feels all could actually peel the whole eye out.


You can see the OMMF size difference on both eyes...

Shiatz...really damn gross....

Ok, so she's not really suffering from an eye infection or a swelling eye or whatever.

It's a fucking eye tumor.

I realized it last night when I came home from school. Got a shock of my life when I saw that monstrous eyeball, became real frantic, googled 'swollen eye hamsters' 'eye infection hamsters' 'rock hard eye hamsters' 'fucked-up eye you see in horror films hamsters'...

Then I consulted this person on MSN who is like the Albert Einstein of hamsters. After looking at the pic I sent her of that sickening eyeball, she concluded that it was tumor because one of her hamsters experienced the same thing.

Was planning to bring Guchuma to the vet today along with the fat and smelly Fudge for his jabs, but I found her dead this morning. So sad.................

So.......yup that's about it.


R.I.P babe.

2 spoke:

D said...

OMG. damn poor thing. On my birthday some more. I think I cursed him :(

Elliot said...

Yar sad man...Eh, you now sch hols right? Let's totally meet man!! I just remembered we live so near by!! Like Starbucks one day? hehehe