Saturday, November 28, 2009

The previous entry wasn't really a proper update. So let's begin the right way.



Oh God, I really miss you guys man!! Even though less than 5 readers drop by every week, I still totally miss ya'll!! There will always be this bond between us that will remain unbreakable. Don't worry, I'll try not to forsake this blog. I can still remember last year, I would be so eager to blog about rubbishy stuff abt school basically school. Damn, where did all of that go?


Do you miss me, my face, my personality and the never-closed wardrobe door?

The picture was taken in the morning. Had a presentation later that day and I am so prepared for it. You can see my hard effort secured tightly by a rubber band and firmly gripped in my large hand. (Hahaha, can you see 'lazy'?)

Yeah, that was till my frenZ read it and spotted something that shamed me terribly.


This is how I spell 'SALES' - 'SALSE'. Epic fail. And the rest kept on going 'sal-sa' 'sal-sa' at me. Fine. Those despikable imbsiles.

Oh, you know what. My parents thought that I was anorexic. Umm, its a bit lame.

I always complain that I'm fat(still am, you havent seen my topless so you wouldn't know and who wants to see my topless I mean like its a bit gross to assume that people want to see my shirtless I shouldn't go around assuming and that's besides the point I'm disgressing lets continue where we left off) since last year.

You know last year I was super fat ok. I was like the the fat boy that bombed Japan alrighty. You know why, because it was the Olevel year and I binge to destress. Plus I didnt really care 2 hoots about how I looked during secondary school because I was already terrible to look at from head to toe. Like literally. My younger bro pointed out I wear cargo pants to sch.


So after the Os, when everything was relaxed and easy, I wanted to burn those marthafarker fats. I did a bit of exercise but stopped due to lack of discipline and I hated to exercise. But going on a diet, that my willpower is strong. My diet is basically cut back on food.

I did that every day, lost 5 kg since Feb, but still wanna loose another 5kg. People started to comment I shrunk which made me really happy. But my parents grew seriously concern on one fateful dinner.

It was a really a yucky dinner. That this slab of cold pork with some disgusting sauce. I gave it a miss and settled with just vege and eggs. And so that made my parents suspicious about me being anorexic.

HAHAHAHHAHHA V.Lame leh! Then now they always monitor my food..very irritating manz. Scold me for reducing rice and etc shitz. Sighs...

Ohoh, I dunno why but there's this Hermes scarf charity thingy going on and the more I look at the ads, the more I yearn man. I totally want a Hermes scarf!

Ah yah, I will go against all my morals about wearing scarfs and shawls and blahblah in Singapore. Still remember my entries on how I ridicule those fashionistas, my less than 5 readers?

Sian lor, if only SG snows or something. Plus I guess the only people who can work those scarves are:


him and

oh this dude and


these hot chicks and


this Ah Ma.

Me? ): Can't pull it off lah. It's very saddenenenening.

1 spoke:

D said...

Scarves causes itch can? The weather is so effing hot. Meet up next next week cause the whole of next week I will be in China (: Btw, moved to LINK ME :D