Wednesday, July 06, 2011

I'm Swart

After reading the papers today about how this dude was wrongly convicted of murder and was thrown in jail partly due to the fact that he couldn't handle himself well as he has only an IQ of 79 thus 'confessing' to the murder, I quickly went to check my IQ to see whether I'm slow or a freakin genius. I never had an actual IQ test done before, and being cheap as I always, I googled 'FREE IQ TEST BITCHES' and completed one FOC.


The IQ level of a normal person is between 90 and 110.

I've got:

wait for it


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Refusing to believe that I'm just a mediocre individual with an IQ of 109, I like to see myself as someone who is just 2 more marks away from being a freakin brillant prodigy of science and the fine arts.

P.S: I heart gifs lol

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