Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm too Cool for School

Note: The videos at the bottom auto-play upon entering here. To have a distraction-free read, please scroll down and pause the vidz. Tq.

Before I begin, I would like to show you something:


I confess my spelling is horrible. Sometimes I would open MicrosoftWord just to type in a word I have difficulty spelling, right-click the red quiggly underlined word and get the correct one. Some words that I will never learn how to spell are 'neccessary', 'entrepurenership', 'diraheea' and 'hippopotamas'.

Anyways, how be you? I sincerely apologize that my entries are getting less frequant now ): But chu're in for a long entry after for so long (:

It is not my normal entries that I just blog about random nonsencial thing or action I observe, nor it is what I did last saturday night (which was staying at home underneath my covers and wishing that I had friends).

I realize that I have never shared an exit-secondary-school-enter-polytechnic entry. I think mainly its because I didn't get in the course I wanted and didn't want to share with people my big disappointment at that time.

So lets start from the beginning.

Olevels L1R4 - 14
L1R5 - 18

I knew already getting into a course that I wanted will be slim.

At first it was mass comm, but changed my mind to creative writing at SP because I wanna to do writing. (duh)

But freaking pangsai, I got into my seventh (mind you not like third or fourth but SEVEN) choice to a course that I have never heard in my life until I received the booklet from them.

To add on to an already quite major letdown, I managed to secure an interview for the creative writing course, went for it, came back anxious, stayed nervous but hopeful, and then received a rejection letter. Stupid ass. I swear man, the night before the interview I was up the whole night feeling so stressed out. I even wrote a list of possible questions and thought of insightful answers. But from the start of the the interview, I felt defeated.

At the interview, they began by asking gently,

"So Elliot, what shows do you like from Mediacorp?"

Wah lao eh, I wanted to shit in my pants man. Like hello? Seriously Mediacorp? Like do you know what's cable? And like, mediacorp shows are kinda not really nice ok? Like who allows a shit sitcom such as 'Police and Thief" to be aired on national tv? You should totally like 'Like' this if you like agree.

I know you would tell me to lie and embrace the local programmes. However, at that moment I just said what went through my head, I said,

"Ehhhh, (I spoke really softly) I don't really watch these shows..."

Then they (btw, there were 3 interviewers) probed me on.

"Oh, I liked that show...En bloc! It really reflects well on the housing controversy in Singapore..."I stammered unconvincingly.

i apparently hearts en bloc

One of them even exclaimed "Really, you don't watch any shows?? Have you watch Little Nonya?"

I went, "Umm...not really.......I watched it on the SBS bus before I think...."

They carried on by asking me my favourite Mediacorp actor. My armpits were getting really moist by the minute. Fav Mediacorp actor? You must be joking!!!!! And for some funny reason, I linked my this answer to the En Bloc answer.

I muttered, "Andrea Foneska"


It was actually 'Andrea Fon-seka". I said "Fon-neska".

The male interviewer corrected my 'Foneska' and suddenly became exasperated and exclaim something like you don't even watch mediacorp shows then why do you wanna apply for this course. I forgot what my answer was but I guessed it failed miserbly judging by the resulted school I'm in.

I do remember the last question. The indian femal interviewer asked me "What do you want to achieve from this course?"

I replied, "Oh...maybe write a sitcom?"

"Oh really?" She said, looking genuinely interested. "What will your sitcom be about?"

I gave an extremely lame answer. So lame that lame people will get up and start walking.

"Ohh..recession." I smiled.

Creative writing was my first choice. Followed by all the Mass Comm courses from all the polys, then visual comm from tp, then finally Media studies and Managment course from NYP.

You know the phrase 'the cream of the crop'? Majority of my classmates were all rejects from mass comm. We're from the crop, just not the cream ):

My course has your normal media stuff, but it has lots of business incoporated which is a struggle for me. I can never comprehend with businessy shit. I got my first D for the first sem for marketing. Like omg, who gets a freaking D at the start?

Whatever the case is, here are some works I, in groups, did that apparently makes it ok to say I'm a media student.

This is one of the earlierst films we did, it is a video on someone with a hobby. The video sucks, but the guy in it is such a nice, talented boy.

This one is where we had to direct like a scripted film. I was sick on the day of shooting though :O

This is a talkshow on thailand. I got my 2 BFFs IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD to help me with this.

I actually have one more, but my com crashed and so its gone. It's just a music video with people, you know, in a video with music. lol.

Actually, all the vidz is rather lousy. I never got an A for filming T.T But the experience was something I can take home and learn.

Finally, I would like to say that everything works out for the best. The only thing I was honestly afraid of was not fitting in in the new environment. I'm so glad I find a group of people that I have loads of fun with. Even though there are 2 writing modules in my course, I'm just really thankful and happy.

God, Imma stop here. Emotional shit aint my cup of tea.

0 spoke: