Thursday, February 18, 2010

Panasonic Lx3

Scratch Canon S90. That cam is a poser.

Lx3 is the real deal. The only feature that attracted me to it - the flash.


Pop up onez lehz!!! Very old skoolzz yozzz.

One of my homiez has the exact same one, so I got to play with it.





Yeah, I know quite sad. Resorting to my animals to take some cool pics.

Anyways, pls ignore my horrible photography skills and bring your attention to the rich colours kudos to the Lx3. You're a prick if you think otherwise.

I'm not really interested in photography. Just look at the number of people that have started picking it up. And also please observe how they have become oh-so-grand about their blossoming photography skills.

I just one that can take awesome shots of things that I like. (So...for my & hamsters)

SOOOOOOOO....waiting for the IT fair lor. It will be my first time there. But just thinking about the pushing and jostling through the crowd of aunties and uncles and immature teens.....I feel tired already.

2 spoke:

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Elliot said...

I think you're spam because I catch no ball from you. Especially the 'personal approach' part. I'm being very personal alr yoz.