Tuesday, September 01, 2009

BayBeats abit overrated yeah?

It was the first time going to that musical frenzy for the first time last Saturday. Unplanned of course, because we arrived half an hour late for our movie which left us with nothing to do for the rest of the night.

"Let's go BayBeats!" J suggested excitedly.


Can...why not since Suntec is like walking distance to Esplanade. I'm not gonna describe the music, the genre, the instruments or the whatever that contributes to the jizz of music because it isn't my thing. I'm not really someone into music if you haven't heard.

While J was gawking over the nerdy ang moh she totally digs at the front row and me laughing to my visual imagination of a scene where the musicians ended their performance but the music continues playing, I noticed some people in the audience that...how to say ah...are really fake lah.

It is wrong to assume and jump to conclusions but I can't stand people who, you know, like show that they can 'appreciate' music via bobbing their heads to the beat, closing they eyes and like applauding with the arms held high. It's like the 'Oh I'm so cool and in because I go to this type of performances and know how to appreciate the music that you, this type of person, can't"

Firstly, the performances/gigs/shows or whatever are FOC. And secondly...well I don't a second point but I shall think of one and get back to you ASAP.

Like seriously, the last performances before we called it quits was really awful. It was this guy armed with a guitar playing random notes and just singing, ok he's not even singing, he was like demanding his so called 'lyrics' in a freakin mother low and rough tone that people can't even decipher. Ah yah, very difficult to explain but the whole thing doesn't even have a tune. And still people can cheer and applaud and really want their cd. LIKE COME ON LAH.

Really irks me this kinda of people. "Oh look at me. I goes baybeats coz I knows how to apwciate musiac. Looky me move my boda around the dancefloor, synchronizing with the bom bom cha."

And oh freak!! I totally didn't know yesterday was teacher's day until I ask my brother why he has half-day from school. No one told me lor!! I freakin thought it was in October sia. Major WHOOPS!

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